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Competitive Sport Membership

Want to represent the University in your chosen Sport?

Or student teams and individual competitors compete in the British Universities and Colleges Sports (BUCS) Leagues, as well as other national competitions and leagues.

Some clubs require you to go through a trial to get onto a team, but most clubs offer opportunities to attend taster sessions during Welcome Week and join regardless of whether you have played before or not. You can find out more about each club by visiting their page, and in September you can speak to the current members of any club at the Freshers Fair on Luton and Bedford campuses.

If can't quite find what you are looking for, get in touch with our competitive sports officer at competitivesport@beds.ac.uk who will be happy to help

Competitive Sports Membership

Once you have decided to join the Bedfordshire Bulls, you will need to pay for a Competitive Sports membership.

Sports Membership Covers (but is not limited to):

  • Essential equipment for match days and training sessions
  • Join as many teams as you like
  • Facility hire for training and competitive fixtures
  • Affiliation fees and entry fees to your sports’ governing body or competition entries,
  • Transport to and from the Luton/Bedford campus for training and matches
  • Accommodation for weekend competitions if required
  • Insurance cover
  • Costs for Officials
  • Sports Therapy Covered on match days (where possible)
  • Qualified coaches to manage your team (where possible)
  • Access to the official University of Bedfordshire Akuma Kit

How To Pay

  • Online - click on the sport you wish to join below and pay via debit card.
  • Offline - visit our Aspire Gym reception on our Bedford campus to pay via credit or debit card.


BUCS host a platform for managing sports across the HE Sector. Any student who wishes to represent their University at a BUCS event must have a BUCSPlay account. Sign Up Free Here.

For more information on BUCSPlay, please visit our website.

When joining the gym/competitive sport we (UoB) will collect data on your membership status and attendance. This data is useful for us to justify resources and identify the impact of engagement in sport and fitness activities on student success. Your data will be anonymised and analysed in conjunction with the other data we routinely collect on aspects of your engagement with your studies. If you have any concerns about the collection or use of this data or wish to discuss this further, please contact the Evaluation and Enhancement team by emailing kathryn.sidaway@beds.ac.uk


Competitive Sport Membership


Competitive Sport Membership 2024/25



This membership will allow you to compete for the University as part of the Competitive Sports Programme.


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Scholarship - Competitive Sport Membership 2024/25



This membership is for students who have received a Sports Scholarship, this will allow you to compete for the University as part of the Competitive Sports Programme.


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